If the PayPal link is not working (I can't get it to work on my computer), then please do the following in order to place your order:
From your own PayPal account, click on the "send money" option at the top of your account's screen. Enter me as the Recipient:
Enter the amount of $115.00
Complete the transaction. I will email you notification of payment received and will give you the date upon which you can expect to receive your reading via email.
I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience. This is a PayPal issue and is beyond my control.
~ Nefer
Welcome to Magickal-Musings!
Greetings All ~
I thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll make yourself comfortable & stay a while. I have a great many things to share that I believe are interesting & I hope that you will find them interesting as well. Please friend me also on Facebook. I'm there under "Nefer Khepri" & I hope you will also visit my site, Magickal-Musings.com. I wish you all many blessings.
I thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll make yourself comfortable & stay a while. I have a great many things to share that I believe are interesting & I hope that you will find them interesting as well. Please friend me also on Facebook. I'm there under "Nefer Khepri" & I hope you will also visit my site, Magickal-Musings.com. I wish you all many blessings.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Important Reminder: Annual Tarot Forecast Offer About to Expire!
Discover what 2010 holds in store for you.
My Annual Tarot Forecast Reading, normally $150, is on sale right now for $115. The sale expires on January 31, 2010 at 11 PM CST.
If you wish to order, please do so now in order to avoid being disappointed. I will not be accepting ANY orders at the reduced price after the 31st. This sale will not reoccur at any time during 2010, so this will be your only opportunity.
Click to Order using secure payment at PayPal.
Your reading will begin on the date it arrives in your email and will extend to the same date of 2011, for an entire year. Your reading will range anywhere from 18 - 30 pages long. Each month will also include a positive affirmation written just for you.
Nefer Khepri Hemet
My Annual Tarot Forecast Reading, normally $150, is on sale right now for $115. The sale expires on January 31, 2010 at 11 PM CST.
If you wish to order, please do so now in order to avoid being disappointed. I will not be accepting ANY orders at the reduced price after the 31st. This sale will not reoccur at any time during 2010, so this will be your only opportunity.
Click to Order using secure payment at PayPal.
Your reading will begin on the date it arrives in your email and will extend to the same date of 2011, for an entire year. Your reading will range anywhere from 18 - 30 pages long. Each month will also include a positive affirmation written just for you.
Nefer Khepri Hemet
Health Update
I'm using a larger font because I had my eyes seriously overhauled at my opthamologist's office on Thursday. Been suffering from eye strain and bad headaches for a week now and figured I needed new glasses. I also have occular hyper tension (the stage below glaucoma, when the liquid in your eye isn't draining properly so the pressure on the optic nerve increases and can cause tunnel vision and blindness if left untreated). In order to measure the eye pressure they have to place a blue light/lens directly on your eye ball. They do give you knock out eye drops for this and they work a treat for ONE measurement. They begin to wear off immediately.
The good news is that mysteriously (to them, at least) my eye pressures have gone down on their own to within normal range now! WOO HOO!!! the nurse freaked out and took my pressures a second time. By now the knock out drops were just starting to wear off so that was a tad uncomfortable. Then the doctor came in and was convinced the nurse must have done something wrong. So she re-took my pressures. By now the drops were really wearing off so that hurt a bit. She got the same reading. Now convinced her machine must be faulty, she took me to another exam room where she took my pressures a FOURTH time. I asked for more drops, but none could be given. I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open, she said. So, that fourth reading hurt like hell!!! Then she had to put my eyes through rigorous tests as she couldn't figure out why my pressures got so much lower. I flat out told her, "I am a witch! I do hands on healing and candle work. I've given my eyes reiki and I've lit candles for them prior to coming here and obviously it all worked!"
Being a woman of science I figured she'd think I was crazy. Instead, she was very cool about it. She asked me what sort of witchcraft I practiced, so she's obviously familiar. When I said, "wicca," she said, "Oh! I see." Again, insinuating familiarity. She told me to keep up the good work and apologized for all the pain.
So, yesterday I couldn't even MOVE my eyeballs, which prevented me from getting on the computer at all. Today I am about 50% better in that regard, but they still hurt so I'm not doing any computer work today. As a result, all reports that were due Thursday and today are going to be late. You can expect to receive them Monday - Tuesday of next week. I do apologize for the delay.
I saw my ENT today for recurrent whining in my left ear. It was so bad last night it kept me up until 3 AM. I began to seriously wonder if there wasn't a UFO hovering over my house sending me secret signals or something. That's how bad it was. I wanted to cry. He gave me a shot of prednisone (steriod) in my left hip. It is now almost impossible for me to sit in my computer chair. I'm in a lot of pain from that injection and I have to sit with my legs elevated or my hip just stings and aches. I've been rubbing it as I can feel the steroid just sitting there, it seems. That must be why it's hurting so badly.
So, readings are also being postponed. I've emailed each of you with the date on which you can expect your reading. All orders will be completed no later than Tuesday, 5 PM CST of next week. Once again, I do apologize for the delay, but will be working through the weekend to be sure everyone receives their orders as promptly as possible.
To top it off, Tuesday I saw the dentist for a routine cleaning. So I've had my total head worked on: teeth, eyes, and ears! My husband has told me for 15 years I need to have my head examined and now I've finally gone and done it. He ought to be thrilled!
Blessings to All!
Nefer Khepri Hemet
I'm using a larger font because I had my eyes seriously overhauled at my opthamologist's office on Thursday. Been suffering from eye strain and bad headaches for a week now and figured I needed new glasses. I also have occular hyper tension (the stage below glaucoma, when the liquid in your eye isn't draining properly so the pressure on the optic nerve increases and can cause tunnel vision and blindness if left untreated). In order to measure the eye pressure they have to place a blue light/lens directly on your eye ball. They do give you knock out eye drops for this and they work a treat for ONE measurement. They begin to wear off immediately.
The good news is that mysteriously (to them, at least) my eye pressures have gone down on their own to within normal range now! WOO HOO!!! the nurse freaked out and took my pressures a second time. By now the knock out drops were just starting to wear off so that was a tad uncomfortable. Then the doctor came in and was convinced the nurse must have done something wrong. So she re-took my pressures. By now the drops were really wearing off so that hurt a bit. She got the same reading. Now convinced her machine must be faulty, she took me to another exam room where she took my pressures a FOURTH time. I asked for more drops, but none could be given. I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open, she said. So, that fourth reading hurt like hell!!! Then she had to put my eyes through rigorous tests as she couldn't figure out why my pressures got so much lower. I flat out told her, "I am a witch! I do hands on healing and candle work. I've given my eyes reiki and I've lit candles for them prior to coming here and obviously it all worked!"
Being a woman of science I figured she'd think I was crazy. Instead, she was very cool about it. She asked me what sort of witchcraft I practiced, so she's obviously familiar. When I said, "wicca," she said, "Oh! I see." Again, insinuating familiarity. She told me to keep up the good work and apologized for all the pain.
So, yesterday I couldn't even MOVE my eyeballs, which prevented me from getting on the computer at all. Today I am about 50% better in that regard, but they still hurt so I'm not doing any computer work today. As a result, all reports that were due Thursday and today are going to be late. You can expect to receive them Monday - Tuesday of next week. I do apologize for the delay.
I saw my ENT today for recurrent whining in my left ear. It was so bad last night it kept me up until 3 AM. I began to seriously wonder if there wasn't a UFO hovering over my house sending me secret signals or something. That's how bad it was. I wanted to cry. He gave me a shot of prednisone (steriod) in my left hip. It is now almost impossible for me to sit in my computer chair. I'm in a lot of pain from that injection and I have to sit with my legs elevated or my hip just stings and aches. I've been rubbing it as I can feel the steroid just sitting there, it seems. That must be why it's hurting so badly.
So, readings are also being postponed. I've emailed each of you with the date on which you can expect your reading. All orders will be completed no later than Tuesday, 5 PM CST of next week. Once again, I do apologize for the delay, but will be working through the weekend to be sure everyone receives their orders as promptly as possible.
To top it off, Tuesday I saw the dentist for a routine cleaning. So I've had my total head worked on: teeth, eyes, and ears! My husband has told me for 15 years I need to have my head examined and now I've finally gone and done it. He ought to be thrilled!
Blessings to All!
Nefer Khepri Hemet
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Ghosts of Houmas House (Darrow, Louisiana): part 1 of 3
It was a dark and stormy night ...
Sorry, it was actually a beautiful sunny day, late morning. We arrived at Houmas House in time for the 11:30 AM tour on a gorgeous mid-November morning. I had wanted to see this house since I was 10 years old after seeing the Bette Davis gothic suspense film, "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte," co-starring Olivia deHaviland. If you haven't seen it and like suspenseful movies, this is a definite must-see. My parents always insisted the house didn't exist and was just a back lot at a Hollywood studio. However, nearly my entire life I remained convinced the house was real.
When my husband told me he was taking me on a trip to New Orleans I was besides myself. Considered by many to be the paranormal capital of America, New Orleans had been on my "must visit" list practically my entire life. I was so excited. I began researching all the places I wanted to see so I could create our itinerary for our 4-day trip. At some point I remembered the movie and the house and wondered if it was anywhere in the area and open to the public. I googled "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte house" and Houmas House came up. I was thrilled to see that not only did the house actually exist, but it has a 32-acre garden, three restaurants, and the home itself is open to the public for tours. On our third day in New Orleans we undertook the hour drive to Houmas House.
Through google I discovered the place is supposedly haunted by a little girl in a blue dress (no, I did not see her), but then again, aren't all old plantation homes haunted? When you consider the tragedies of slavery their walls have witnessed, not to mention the Civil War (many homes were used as barracks or hospitals while soldiers fought in surrounding fields), and the Yellow Fever epidemic of the late 1800s, these homes have seen a great deal and it's no surprise that a few ghosts still linger. I took this photo of the exterior of the home as we were leaving. Note the Spanish Moss hanging from the oak trees. How atmospheric!!
As we entered Houmas House I sent out as strong a mental message as I could and kept repeating in my mind, "if there are any spirits here, please find a way to manifest in my pictures." To be honest, I did not "sense" anything. Only once when we were walking the gardens afterwards (see below), but unfortunately I have no photographic evidence of what occurred. The house itself felt warm and inviting. The current owner, Kevin Kelly, had completely gutted and renovated the entire house back to its antebellum glory. He is an avid collector of antiques and has filled the house with furniture, light fixtures, fireplaces, musical instruments, games, and various other objects that all date back to the time of the Civil War. The home is absolutely beautiful and a must-see if you are ever in the area.
Now on to Part 2, see my next entry.
Ghostly Image at Houmas House
During the guided tour of Houmas House one of the rooms we were allowed to enter is known as the Billiards Room. This is where the men would have hung out while the ladies would retire to the "Lady's Palor" in the room next door. My intention here was to photograph the lovely fireplace, mantle, and mirror.
To put the photo in perspective, I was standing about 9 feet to the left of the fireplace, at an angle to it. If you look at the lower right-hand corner of the picture you can see the dark mahogany edge of the billiards table, which was about 2 1/2 feet in front of the fireplace.
I've attempted to draw arrows to the strange things that appeared in this picture. When I looked at my pictures I immediately noticed the smudge on the mirror in the center of the upper third. I figured it had been left there by a maid while cleaning. Yet, try as I may, I could not remember if I had seen a smudge on that mirror. I was pretty sure a smudge was not visible. However, it did cause me to linger and what I saw next completely blew my mind. In the lower left-hand corner of the mirror you can see the back of a man''s head, neck, and right shoulder. It also appears that this gentleman is transparent!
There were three men in that room: my husband (who is a strawberry blonde so we can eliminate him as a possibility immediately), a man from New York who was there with his wife (he did have dark hair, but it was wavy and flecked with gray, plus he was wearing a black short-sleeved t-shirt that doesn't match up with the suit the man in the mirror is wearing), and our tour guide, Kevin (not the same person as the property's owner, Kevin Kelly). Now, Kevin did have on a white long-sleeved shirt and a black vest. Plus, he does have short, dark hair as does the man in the mirror. However, Kevin had been wearing a hat that he never removed for our entire tour, plus his long white sleeves were quite apparent, so again, his attire does not match the dark suit the man in the mirror is wearing.
Futhermore, if you go back and look at the full image you can see that in order to cast that type of reflection the man would need to be standing directly in front of the fireplace with his back to the mirror. I emailed this image to Kevin Kelly, who told me he was quite perplexed as he does not believe in ghosts. He confirmed two important things. Firstly, there is NO smudge on that mirror. So, that misty image is something that was in the process of manifesting as my camera took the picture (I have a Sony CyberShot digital camera & had it set for auto-exposure so my flash would not go off). Also, he pointed out that in order for the man's reflection to appear as it does in the mirror he would have to have been standing inbetween the fireplace and the billiards table. He had his staff attempt to duplicate this reflection and there is nowhere else in the room one can stand in order to cast that type of reflection in the lower left-hand corner of the mirror, except right in front of it. Mr. Kelly was also the one to point out to me the figure in the mirror is transparent.
In order for this to be a person casting their reflection they would need to be standing between myself and the fireplace. As you can clearly see from the original picture there is no one there!
When our tour was beginning in the entry hall I had whispered to the woman from NY that I had read the house was haunted. She laughed and said, "Oh, do you think so?" I said it was quite probable given the history of the area. She laughed again and said, "well, maybe you'll see a ghost!" I did not laugh with her as I take the paranormal quite seriously. Looking back on our visit there I think that the ghosts were listening and realized I respected them whereas she did not. I think two entities manifested in that picture as their way of saying, "thanks for believing in us and for not laughing."
While preparing this to go up on my blog I was examining other photos and have since discovered another image that involves a picture of me that my husband took at Lafitte's Bar in New Orleans on Bourbon Street. I will be including that in a blog entry in the near-future.
However, my trip to Houmas House and the weirdness there did not end with this photo. Read my next entry to find out what happened to me as my husband and I were walking through the gardens after the house tour. The next blog entry after this one is entitled, "Time Warp ..." and has some lovely pictures that I took there. That home is so gorgeous that I think it's literally impossible to take a bad picture there.
A Possible Time Warp in the Gardens at Houmas House??
Houmas House, part 3 ~ continued ...
Once we completed the tour my husband and I enjoyed lunch at the Burnside Cafe, which is in an out-building at Houmas House. Before leaving we spent some time walking around the gorgeous gardens that Mr. Kelly has filled with beautiful foundations and Greek and Roman statues. This is a picture I took of the area of the gardens known as "The Secret Garden." This is in the front of the property along the road that leads up to the house.
While still in the house I took a picture of a quaint side-building from the 2nd floor balcony. I wondered what it had been used for, but forgot to ask our guide. Now I wish I had!
During our walk we came up to it. I wanted to see what was inside so I stepped up to the door that had paned glass in it and looked through it. All I saw was a delapitated interior. There were no furnishings. The walls looked like they had been stripped as though the building was being prepared for renovation. There was also a large unfinished artist's canvas propped up against a fireplace along the opposite wall. Our guide had said the head gardener was an artist so I assumed they had yet to renovate this building and the gardner was perhaps using it for storage. I walked off and thought nothing of it.
Now I deeply regret never having taken a picture of what I saw!
When I got back home I was in email correspondence with Mr. Kelly, the owner of Houmas House, in reference to the spirits that showed up in the picture from my previous entry. I was also googling Houmas House trying to find out the history to see if any of that could explain what my camera had captured. In so doing I ran across a web page about the Turtle Bar at Houmas House. According to the web page, that bar is located within this building. The building exterior is shown and it is completely gorgeous, renovated, no signs of stripped walls, large canvases, or anything else other than a quaint and beautiful little bar! There are additional photos of the interior. They are NOT what I saw! (see the link below)
To this day I have no idea what happened. I have shared this experience with Mr. Kelly, but by then I figure he was freaked out over the ghosts that showed up and he never responded to that email of me asking him if that building truly has been renovated and turned into a bar or if those pictures had been a mock-up for the Internet and he had not yet carried out the renovation. However, if you read the page (link is below) it appears that the bar is in existence.
If that is the case, then what in the world happened to me? How was I able to walk up to a door, look inside and see an old delapitated ruin of an exterior if it's a nice bar today??? Also, if it is a bar, wouldn't there have been people around??? I saw no one.
I am left to wonder did I slip back in time (I was visible to my husband the entire time, but he himself never came up to look in the windows like I did so I have no witness to collaborate what I saw) to see the interior before its renovation? Perhaps I saw a ghostly image of what was once there. If so, was the bartender inside looking out at me wondering what this crazy woman was doing peering in through the door?
I walked off thinking absolutely nothing of this experience. My husband and I very much enjoyed our walk through the gardens. We "oohed" and "ahhed" over many things and took pictures at the replica Japanese Garden, shown here on the left. We walked up to the top and from there had a good view of much of the garden below.
Next, is a view looking almost perfectly straight up to the top from the first floor. And, no that blueish thing is not an orb. It's merely a reflection caused by the sunlight. The link to the page about the Turtle Bar is here. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Popularity of "Ghost Hunting": A Warning
I personally think it's great how the paranormal is receiving increasing amounts of coverage on TV lately. We have great fiction shows like "Ghost Whisperer" and "Medium." We also have talk shows like John Edwards' "Crossing Over," (but he speaks so quickly that I can hardly understand anything he says, so I don't watch that one). For years we could watch "Most Haunted" (a British import) on the Travel Channel, then "Ghosthunters" (my favorite!) premiered on the SciFi Channel 7 years ago and now has two spin-off series, "Ghosthunters International" (which is quite lame, in my opinion), and "Ghosthunter's Academy," a reality show where contestants are tested to see who will become the next addition to the Ghosthunter's team of paranormal investigators. That show is pretty good. Over on A&E Network is "Paranormal State," that just began it's 4th season (very good show). Other shows include "Ghost Lab", "Extreme Paranormal" (those guys are crazy and NEVER try to do the weird things they do, please!), "Ghost Adventures" (Travel Channel - and a word to the wise: NEVER attempt to antagonize a spirit in order to get a response - this is EXTREMELY dangerous!!), and even Animal Planet Network has gotten bitten by the ghost bug with their show, "The Haunted," which is about pet owners who experience the paranormal and how it affects their pets. That show sounds really lame, but it's actually pretty good. New shows resume this Friday night.
With all the ghosthunting shows out there now and how easy these people make it appear to go out and hunt ghosts, more and more people are getting into the act. Ghosthunting is emerging as a HOBBY, if you can believe that! It's true! In fact, I have several clients who have embarked upon a serious ghosthunting hobby.
There is nothing wrong with ghosthunting. In fact, I've done a bit myself (my recent trip to New Orleans being the most recent ghost expedition). People go into a purportedly haunted location armed with digital cameras, EMF (Electroc Magnetic Field) meters, and digital recorders to catch any EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). They run around these places and have no clue as to the real dangers to which they are exposing themselves.
This article is a word on the REAL dangers of ghosthunting if you do not enter the property properly "armed," so to speak.
It's one thing to have scientific tools at one's disposal, but it's quite another to know what to do should an entity decide to physically attack a ghosthunter, or worse - in the case of nonhuman entities (i.e., demons), attempt to possess a person.
I used to perform house cleansings in person. Note the past tense. I no longer have this as part of my business due to the dangers my team was exposed to during my last case. I had two friends accompany me, one to keep an eye out behind me for any phenomena and the other was our photographer. The last house I cleansed just happened to be infested with three demons. This was the first time I had run across demonic energy. I have since performed exorcisms with candle work long distance for clients cleansing them and their homes of these evil entities, but after my experiences in that house and what my friends went through, I quickly brought my in-person house cleansing portion of my business to a close.
We entered properly equipped, and more importantly - properly protected. That's right. Before you enter any haunted location it is required that you place yourself under some form of strong spiritual protection. I would pray to Isis and to St. Michael before entering the property. I would ask for protection for my team members and the people who lived in the house as well since at least the owner would always be present for a cleansing. Sometimes additional family members and even pets were also present. Despite being properly protected we still had a major battle on our hands. Both my friends came under attack and began vomiting, as did the home owner and her daughter. It got hot as hell in there and we all left at the end with fevers. Books and plates were thrown by unseen forces. The cat appeared to be kicked across the room and was seriously hurt and required extensive vetinary care. It was SCARY AS HELL and I will NEVER EVER cleanse another home in person again other than my own.
What I am hearing about with alarming frequency is people going into places with known and documented paranormal activity, but they enter unarmed or unprotected. When they leave they do nothing to help prevent the REAL possibility of an entity following them home. They do not realize this is a MUST-DO, regardless of your spiritual or religious beliefs. These entities are very real and some of them are incredibly dangerous, not just to your body, but to your mind and your very soul.
Quite simply put - if a person does not know how to invoke strong spiritual protective energies and properly cleanse themselves and their equipment upon leaving a haunted location, then a person is NOT equipped in ANY way to be a ghosthunter.
Now, I don't know for a fact that Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, and the others on "Ghosthunters" invoke protection or cleanse themselves upon leaving, but once in a while they will make a stray comment here and there that hints at the fact that they are aware of these practices and realize their importance. So I am assuming they do perform some form of prayer prior to entering and another form of prayer after their job is done so they don't bring home any unwanted guests. The team on the A&E show, "Paranormal State," can often be seeing praying and invoking protection from St. Michael. They have even called in a catholic priest when they encounter denomic activity and they have left blessed St. Michael medals with their clientele. They obviously know what they're doing. It is common sense to ask for some form of protection and common sense to make an effort to spiritually cleanse one's self upon leaving a supposedly haunted location.
Unfortunately, many people do not do either. Then they wonder why suddenly they're hearing strange noises or seeing aparitions in their homes when there had never been any paranormal activity before. I am currently working with two clients in an attempt to cleanse their homes long distance. One power candle has just gotten underway while for the other client we're doing a repetition as the entity she brought home is demonic. They always require extra work to send on their way.
I'm posting this as a gentle warning. If you are an amateur ghosthunter who is not using some form of strong spiritual protection upon entering a property and some form of strong spiritual cleansing upon leaving said property (and this is done BEFORE you get into your car!), then PLEASE, either learn how to perform these prayer and cleansing methods for yourself or stop your ghosthunting activities before you end up bringing something home you wished you hadn't.
Many Blessings!
With all the ghosthunting shows out there now and how easy these people make it appear to go out and hunt ghosts, more and more people are getting into the act. Ghosthunting is emerging as a HOBBY, if you can believe that! It's true! In fact, I have several clients who have embarked upon a serious ghosthunting hobby.
There is nothing wrong with ghosthunting. In fact, I've done a bit myself (my recent trip to New Orleans being the most recent ghost expedition). People go into a purportedly haunted location armed with digital cameras, EMF (Electroc Magnetic Field) meters, and digital recorders to catch any EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). They run around these places and have no clue as to the real dangers to which they are exposing themselves.
This article is a word on the REAL dangers of ghosthunting if you do not enter the property properly "armed," so to speak.
It's one thing to have scientific tools at one's disposal, but it's quite another to know what to do should an entity decide to physically attack a ghosthunter, or worse - in the case of nonhuman entities (i.e., demons), attempt to possess a person.
I used to perform house cleansings in person. Note the past tense. I no longer have this as part of my business due to the dangers my team was exposed to during my last case. I had two friends accompany me, one to keep an eye out behind me for any phenomena and the other was our photographer. The last house I cleansed just happened to be infested with three demons. This was the first time I had run across demonic energy. I have since performed exorcisms with candle work long distance for clients cleansing them and their homes of these evil entities, but after my experiences in that house and what my friends went through, I quickly brought my in-person house cleansing portion of my business to a close.
We entered properly equipped, and more importantly - properly protected. That's right. Before you enter any haunted location it is required that you place yourself under some form of strong spiritual protection. I would pray to Isis and to St. Michael before entering the property. I would ask for protection for my team members and the people who lived in the house as well since at least the owner would always be present for a cleansing. Sometimes additional family members and even pets were also present. Despite being properly protected we still had a major battle on our hands. Both my friends came under attack and began vomiting, as did the home owner and her daughter. It got hot as hell in there and we all left at the end with fevers. Books and plates were thrown by unseen forces. The cat appeared to be kicked across the room and was seriously hurt and required extensive vetinary care. It was SCARY AS HELL and I will NEVER EVER cleanse another home in person again other than my own.
What I am hearing about with alarming frequency is people going into places with known and documented paranormal activity, but they enter unarmed or unprotected. When they leave they do nothing to help prevent the REAL possibility of an entity following them home. They do not realize this is a MUST-DO, regardless of your spiritual or religious beliefs. These entities are very real and some of them are incredibly dangerous, not just to your body, but to your mind and your very soul.
Quite simply put - if a person does not know how to invoke strong spiritual protective energies and properly cleanse themselves and their equipment upon leaving a haunted location, then a person is NOT equipped in ANY way to be a ghosthunter.
As I said, I have several clients who are into ghosthunting. Five, in fact. Three are very serious and know what they're doing. The other two are both in their 20s, have been avid viewers of "Ghosthunters" for years now and they felt that qualified them to hunt ghosts in real life. Unfortunately, they had no clue as to how to call down spiritual protection or how to perform a cleansing after leaving a property.
Unfortunately, many people do not do either. Then they wonder why suddenly they're hearing strange noises or seeing aparitions in their homes when there had never been any paranormal activity before. I am currently working with two clients in an attempt to cleanse their homes long distance. One power candle has just gotten underway while for the other client we're doing a repetition as the entity she brought home is demonic. They always require extra work to send on their way.
I'm posting this as a gentle warning. If you are an amateur ghosthunter who is not using some form of strong spiritual protection upon entering a property and some form of strong spiritual cleansing upon leaving said property (and this is done BEFORE you get into your car!), then PLEASE, either learn how to perform these prayer and cleansing methods for yourself or stop your ghosthunting activities before you end up bringing something home you wished you hadn't.
Many Blessings!
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Great Pyramid Not Built by Slaves, as Commonly Thought
A special thank you to Kim H. for sending me this article of interest to those of us fascinated by Egyptian archaeology. I copied this from Yahoo! News.
Egypt tombs suggest pyramids not built by slaves
Sun Jan 10, 12:30 pm ET
(Reuters) – New tombs found in Giza support the view that the Great
Pyramids were built by free workers and not slaves, as widely believed,
Egypt's chief archaeologist said on Sunday.
Films and media have long depicted slaves toiling away in the desert to
build the mammoth pyramids only to meet a miserable death at the end of
their efforts.
"These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves," Zahi Hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the Egyptian excavation team, said in a statement.
"If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's."
He said the collection of workers' tombs, some of which were found in
the 1990s, were among the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st
centuries. They belonged to workers who built the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre.
Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves "friends of Khufu" -- another sign that they were not slaves.
The tombs, on the Giza plateau on the western edge of Cairo, are 4,510 years old and lie at the entrance of a one-km (half mile)-long necropolis.
Hawass said evidence had been found showing that farmers in the Delta and Upper Egypt
had sent 21 buffalo and 23 sheep to the plateau every day to feed the
builders, believed to number around 10,000 -- or about a tenth of Greek
historian Herodotus's estimate of 100,000.
These farmers were exempted from paying taxes to the government of
ancient Egypt -- evidence that he said underscored the fact they were
participating in a national project.
The first discovery of workers' tombs in 1990 came about accidentally
when a horse stumbled on a brick structure 10 meters (yards) away from
the burial area.
(Writing by Marwa Awad; Editing by Alison Williams and Michael Roddy)
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Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Attack of the Stomach Flu!
It's been a crazy holiday for us. Our daughter got sick with the stomach flu and guess who was the one to hold her hair back as she was sick over the toilet? Yep. Your's truly! Then I got sick, but not nearly as bad as that poor kid was just before New Year's.
As a result of taking care of her, then recuperating myself, then our New Year's Eve festivities, I haven't been able to do my email. I know a few of you are waiting for a response and I'll be answering all email on Monday.
I also know I need to post my ghost images from my trip to New Orleans. I've been hyping that a lot and promise to do it this week.
I hope in the meantime that everyone had a lot of safe fun ringing in the New Year. We celebrated with our friends and lit fireworks. My husband scared me by allowing our 11-year-old daughter to light some larger fireworks, but we kept her safe and we all had a lovely time. This one here isn't ours, however. Ours were not quite this large. This was from a neighboring sub-division quite near ours and they always put on a huge show. Everyone benefits from their great expense. Their firework show goes on for over two hours. So we do ours right before their show begins, then we sit back and watch their fireworks comfortably seated on folding chairs in our driveways. All the neighbors who are home come out and visit with one another. We then do the same thing for the 4th of July (American Independence Day, for those of you who do not live in America). This firework here is one of their SMALL ones that I took with my wonderful Sony digital camera.
I hope that come tomorrow as most of us return to work that 2010 turns out to be a fantastic year for us all. My resolution is to do all I can to make this a year to remember. I hope that each of you do the same.
~ Nefer
As a result of taking care of her, then recuperating myself, then our New Year's Eve festivities, I haven't been able to do my email. I know a few of you are waiting for a response and I'll be answering all email on Monday.
I also know I need to post my ghost images from my trip to New Orleans. I've been hyping that a lot and promise to do it this week.
I hope in the meantime that everyone had a lot of safe fun ringing in the New Year. We celebrated with our friends and lit fireworks. My husband scared me by allowing our 11-year-old daughter to light some larger fireworks, but we kept her safe and we all had a lovely time. This one here isn't ours, however. Ours were not quite this large. This was from a neighboring sub-division quite near ours and they always put on a huge show. Everyone benefits from their great expense. Their firework show goes on for over two hours. So we do ours right before their show begins, then we sit back and watch their fireworks comfortably seated on folding chairs in our driveways. All the neighbors who are home come out and visit with one another. We then do the same thing for the 4th of July (American Independence Day, for those of you who do not live in America). This firework here is one of their SMALL ones that I took with my wonderful Sony digital camera.
I hope that come tomorrow as most of us return to work that 2010 turns out to be a fantastic year for us all. My resolution is to do all I can to make this a year to remember. I hope that each of you do the same.
~ Nefer
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